Also a photographer... or should I say a saucy photographeress...
Four days until I move.
Happy February Thirteenth
The day after my sister's birthday, the day before Valentines day: Feb 13 is often left by the wayside, a calenderical outcast if you will.
Because I was off work today (yes, I have a day job.. those of you reading this blog may now let out a "phew") I took some time to edit some old photos. These photos have not until today been seen by other human eyes except for mine. And maybe a few others. We may never know.
Lunch in Lubbock, Texas with Grandpa and Grandma Holmes and Uncle Dan. Taken last March.
The next two come from Little Rock, Arkansas.
I'm always mesmerized by animals, which probably isn't unique to being a female. But sometimes I feel like animals like to pose for me. I should do an entire animal portrait post some day when my demographic finally levels around females ages 6 to 12.
While shooting at the Little Rock Zoo for an ad campaign, a curious giraffe wandered over while we shot in the rhinocerous area. because the walls that separated the spaces were pretty short, the giraffe came and essentially stood right over me. I got this shot.
This next one is of Vince... the same day I fell in love with ring flashes, albeit macro ones (thank you Wesley)...
I'm considering this one as website material... any input on that?
As always thank you for being YOU. And take a tip from ole Auntie Sarah, don't quit your day jobs, it makes the hobbies more fun.
Posted by
Sarah Rhodes
10:33 PM
Outtakes - A Plea For Purging
As I'm re-designing my website, I'm thinking about including a section of outtakes, just for fun. They're always my favorite to look at. And so as I was browsing through my old files (now that my computer is finalllly fixed) I found these little pearls taken almost a year ago (hard to believe!). These were all shot with Dero's sweet Mark II. I give you, A Plea For Purging's outtakes.
Lyle found the clamps.
You'll have to click on this one to get the full effect of Andy's pain. Thank you Michael, for sweet reflector-wielding / extension cord skills on that day.
Posted by
Sarah Rhodes
10:55 AM
Sunday AM
I woke up early before work and decided to take a succession of photos while eating breakfast. It's not impressive or set up with lighting or anything. It was just for fun and for lack of having things to shoot lately.
Click here to see the slideshow...
Posted by
Sarah Rhodes
11:49 PM
Meet Jezebel
I just got a call from the Genius Bar. Apparently my sweet computer is fixed.
They said it was fixed last time but it wasn't.
Let's hope it is though, because I am so far behind schedule, it is not even funny.
And I want everything done before I move.
Come back to me sweet Jez. Or rather, tomorrow I will go pick her up from the Apple Store.
Posted by
Sarah Rhodes
11:37 PM